Detail information of PPI "HPI103478"

Interactionp53  <==>  Hdm2
Role & StateRS:0000002,activity; RS:0000080,suppressor;
Interaction TypeIT:0000077,regulate;
Biological ProcessBP:0001525,angiogenesis;
Biological Function        ---
Subcelluar Location        ---
Detection Method        ---
Reference16432175_1, The activity and stability of the p53 tumor suppressor are regulated by the human homologue of the mouse double minute 2 (Hdm2) oncoprotein.
Reference19696166_1, The interplay among hypoxia-inducible factor 1-alpha (HIF-1alpha), p53 and human orthologue of murine double minute 2 (Hdm2) has been introduced as a key event in tumor promotion and angiogenesis.