Detail information of PPI "HPI103512"

Interactionp53  <==>  Mdm2
Role & StateRS:0000002,activity;
Interaction TypeIT:0000089,addition; IT:0000157,depend; IT:0000364,acetylation; IT:0000092,degradation; IT:0000026,interact; IT:0000354,polyubiquitinate;
Biological ProcessBP:0006915,apoptosis; BP:0040007,growth; BP:0016049,cell growth;
Biological Function        ---
Subcelluar LocationSCL:0000008,nucleus;
Detection Method        ---
Reference15625077_12, Mdm2 and p53 were also studied in vivo in rat liver employing immunohistochemistry, and it was found that constitutive Mdm2 expression was changed in livers of pravastatin-treated rats.
Reference16636310_7, Furthermore, in ZD0.2 and ZD0.4 cells, the reduction in total and nuclear p300, which is known to complex with CREB-binding protein and Mdm2 in the nucleus for the generation of degradable polyubiquitinated form of p53, may have depressed the degradation pathway for p53 and Mdm2, and contributed to the nuclear accumulation of these proteins in ZD cells.
Reference17000718_0, p53-independent induction of rat hepatic Mdm2 following administration of phenobarbital and pregnenolone 16alpha-carbonitrile.
Reference19085961_9, CONCLUSION: ING1 variants p33(ING1b) and p24(ING1c) may modulate p53 activity and subsequently inhibit hepatoma cell growth by at least two possible mechanisms: interacting with Mdm2 and p14(arf) to stabilize and activate p53, or increasing p53 acetylation.
Reference19822456_3, In addition, recent work has provided new insights into mechanisms underlying the antiapoptotic functions of the endogenous bile acid ursodeoxycholic acid (UDCA), suggesting that the finely tuned, complex control of p53 by Mdm2 is a key step in the UDCA modulation of deregulated, p53-triggered apoptosis.