Detail information of PPI "HPI103528"

Interactionp53  <==>  PAb1801
Role & State        ---
Interaction TypeIT:0000099,formation; IT:0000271,express;
Biological ProcessBP:0007631,eating;
Biological Function        ---
Subcelluar Location        ---
Detection Method        ---
Reference1435694_1, The expression of p53 in colorectal tumors was studied immunohistochemically by monoclonal antibody (PAb1801).
Reference8008749_7, In surgical cases immunostained with microwave oven heating, DO-7, BP53-12, and CM1 showed frequent p53 expression (22% in CC; 60-67% in colon carcinoma), whereas PAb1801 showed low p53 expression (0% in CC; 13% in colon carcinoma).
Reference8238731_9, Of 13 patients for whom there was information about a restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) for BstUI within the fourth exon of the p53 gene, allelic loss of p53 was demonstrated in only two cases (15%), both of which stained with PAb1801.