Detail information of PPI "HPI103529"

Interactionp53  <==>  PCNA
Role & StateRS:0000002,activity;
Interaction TypeIT:0000271,express; IT:0000089,addition;
Biological Process        ---
Biological Function        ---
Subcelluar LocationSCL:0000003,membrane;
Detection Method        ---
Reference10338076_5, Using monoclonal antibodies anti-p53 (D07-DAKO) and anti-PCNA (PC10-DAKO), 149 samples were stained, including 10 normal and 10 tumoral control liver tissues. p53 Overexpression was detected in 52 specimens (35%) whereas PCNA positivity was found in 96 (64%).
Reference10338076_7, Statistical analyses performed on these groups revealed that p53 positivity was found to be significantly higher in steatohepatitis (P 0.05), while PCNA positivity did not show any statistical significance.
Reference10338076_9, Certain cytological alterations like nuclear pleomorphism, steatosis and cholestasis, in addition to necroinflammatory activity, were evaluated for their possible impact on p53 and/or PCNA positivity.
Reference11819564_1, AIM:To find out the difference of human primary liver carcinogenesis between Han and minority ethnic patients in Xinjiang.METHODS:Expression of p53, c-erbB-2, H-rasp21 protein and proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) in tumor tissues of 50 patients (Han 38, minority 12) with primary hepatic carcinoma was detected by immunohistochemistry (LSAB).RESULTS:The positive frequency of p53, c-erbB-2, H-rasp21 and PCNA expression was 46.0% (23/50), 70.0% (35/50), 68.0% (34/50) and 82.0% (41/50) in tumor tissues; 4.0% (2/50), 22.0% (11/50), 64.0% (32/50) and 52.0% (26/50) in peritumors respectively and a significant difference, except for H-rasp21, of oncogene alteration was found (P 0.05) between tumor and non-tumorous tissues.
Reference8104947_5, Generally, p53 overexpression corresponded well with PCNA positivity.
Reference8927568_8, Eighty-one percent of the p53 positive tumours expressed PCNA, mostly with a high index. p53 and PCNA were not related to histologic grade.
Reference9150953_6, The membranes were stained with amido black, scanned and tested separately with the nine monoclonal antibodies p53, c-myc, PCNA, MEK1, pan-ras, Cip1, Cdc2, Kip1, and TCTP.