Identifier | HPI103567 |
Interaction | p53 <==> U19/EAF2 |
Role & State | RS:0000002,activity; |
Interaction Type | IT:0000176,suppress; IT:0000227,bind; |
Biological Process | --- |
Biological Function | BF:0010843,promoter activity; |
Subcelluar Location | --- |
Detection Method | --- |
Reference | 19826414_4, TSP-1 is reported to be a p53-target gene and p53 is a known binding partner of ELL, which binds to U19/EAF2.
Reference | 19826414_6, In a TSP-1 promoter-driven luciferase reporter assay, p53 transfection suppressed the TSP-1 promoter activity and U19/EAF2 co-transfection blocked the p53 suppression of TSP-1 promoter.