Detail information of PPI "HPI072664"

InteractionTIP30  <==>  p53
Role & StateRS:0000002,activity;
Interaction TypeIT:0000316,induce; IT:0000193,enhance; IT:0000068,transcription;
Biological ProcessBP:0006915,apoptosis;
Biological FunctionBF:0016563,transcriptional activity;
Subcelluar LocationSCL:0000014,mitochondria;
Detection Method        ---
Reference16799960_6, Ectopic expression of TIP30 in HCC cells enhanced p53 expression and decreased Bcl-2/Bcl-xL expression.
Reference18519672_6, TIP30 greatly enhanced p53 expression and its transcriptional activity under oxidative stress, which was probably through stabilization of p53 mRNA.
Reference18519672_7, TIP30 induced apoptosis and mitochondrial dysfunction were blocked by silencing of p53 expression.