Detail information of PPI "HPI103565"

Interactionp53  <==>  Trp53
Role & State        ---
Interaction TypeIT:0000302,encode;
Biological Process        ---
Biological Function        ---
Subcelluar LocationSCL:0005694,chromatid; SCL:0005694,chromosome;
Detection Method        ---
Reference18212067_7, In the absence of p53 (encoded by Trp53), Xrcc2-null B cells can fully develop but show high rates of chromosome and chromatid fragmentation.
Reference21898503_6, Surprisingly, deletion of Tgfbr2 in the setting of p53 loss (Trp53(KO) ;Tgfbr2(KO)) decreased the frequency of mice with liver tumors to around 17% and delayed the age of tumor onset.