Detail information of PPI "HPI103736"

Interactionp53  <==>  p53 mutation
Role & State        ---
Interaction TypeIT:0000099,formation; IT:0000326,immunoblot; IT:0000221,expose;
Biological ProcessBP:0016446,mutation;
Biological Function        ---
Subcelluar Location        ---
Detection Method        ---
Reference1330867_6, Our results showed that p53-positive hepatocellular carcinoma is a rare finding in patients exposed to a low dietary aflatoxin intake and that p53 mutation seems to occur at a late stage of the tumoral process and could contribute to an aggressive tumoral phenotype.
Reference15500550_7, Thus, p53 loss of function in HCC should be evaluated both by p53 mutation analysis and p53 protein expression, as both give complementary information about p53 status.
Reference21480340_4, Immunoblotting for p53 revealed that, whereas in many tumors increased p53 was a result of p53 mutation, wildtype p53 (p53WT) expression was also frequently elevated in HCCs.
Reference8293534_4, Loss of p53 function in osteo- and fibrosarcomas can occur by two different mechanisms, p53 mutation and amplification of the MDM2 gene.