Detail information of PPI "HPI113012"

Interactionwild-type p53  <==>  p53
Role & State        ---
Interaction TypeIT:0000266,disruption;
Biological ProcessBP:0006096,glycolysis;
Biological FunctionBF:0003677,DNA binding;
Subcelluar Location        ---
Detection Method        ---
Reference12857899_4, Moreover, in p53-deficient liver cell lines, only reconstitution with wild-type p53, but not mutated p53 lacking DNA binding capacity, showed this effect.
Reference16728594_6, Disruption of the SCO2 gene in human cancer cells with wild-type p53 recapitulated the metabolic switch toward glycolysis that is exhibited by p53-deficient cells.
Reference9380755_4, To test the hypothesis that wild-type p53 regulates the endogenous mdr1 gene we stably introduced a trans-dominant negative (TDN) p53 into rodent H35 hepatoma cells that express P-glycoprotein (Pgp) and have wild-type p53.