Detail information of PPI "HPI027241"

InteractionGADD45 beta  <==>  p53
Role & State        ---
Interaction TypeIT:0000259,protect; IT:0000242,direct; IT:0000078,regulation; IT:0000099,formation; IT:0000132,methylation;
Biological Process        ---
Biological Function        ---
Subcelluar Location        ---
Detection Method        ---
Reference15509538_15, These findings suggested that methylation might play a crucial role in the epigenetic regulation of GADD45beta in hepatocyte transformation that may be directed by p53 status.
Reference17591973_8, Thus, our results suggest that GADD45beta induction by SAMe via NF-kappaB may represent a novel mechanism of SAMe-mediated hepatoprotection, with p53 playing an important role.