Detail information of PPI "HPI032141"

InteractionHCV core protein  <==>  p53
Role & State        ---
Interaction TypeIT:0000176,suppress; IT:0000002,physical interaction; IT:0000304,localize;
Biological ProcessBP:0016049,cellular growth; BP:0040007,growth;
Biological Function        ---
Subcelluar LocationSCL:0000008,cell nucleus;
Detection Method        ---
Reference10544138_4, Further studies indicated that the HCV core protein could also suppress hepatocellular growth via p53.
Reference10544138_7, These results raised the possibility that the HCV core protein might activate p53 through direct physical interaction.
Reference16322229_6, Here, we show that HCV core protein localizes to the cell nucleus in PML-NBs, where it colocalizes with p53.