Detail information of PPI "HPI042095"

InteractionIRF-1  <==>  p53
Role & State        ---
Interaction TypeIT:0000114,activation; IT:0000078,regulation; IT:0000200,repair; IT:0000130,overexpression; IT:0000219,produce;
Biological ProcessBP:0007050,cell cycle arrest; BP:0006281,DNA repair; BP:0007049,cell cycle; BP:0006915,apoptosis;
Biological Function        ---
Subcelluar Location        ---
Detection Method        ---
Reference17550137_8, Overexpression of IRF-1 augmented the combined interferon-gamma/adriamycin-induced p53 accumulation.
Reference9472983_4, Here, we report the consequences of IRF-1 deficiency for apoptosis, cell cycle arrest, and DNA repair in primary hepatocytes after DNA damage and extend previous work on the role of p53 in hepatocytes.
Reference9472983_8, However, IRF-1 deficiency produced dysregulation of p53, manifested as increased transactivation of a p53-reporter plasmid in undamaged hepatocytes, and accelerated p53 stabilization after DNA damage.