PPIs related to "p53"

ID Protein A Protein B Process Function Location
HPI000596 40 S ribosomes p53 BP:0006412,translation; BP:0042254,ribosome biogenesis; BP:0006412,translation of mRNA;         --- SCL:0000016,ribosome;
HPI002235 AFB1 p53 BP:0016446,mutation;         ---         ---
HPI002364 AFP p53 BP:0016446,mutation;         ---         ---
HPI002884 ALC1 p53 BP:0008283,cell proliferation;         ---         ---
HPI003416 AMPK p53 BP:0019538,protein metabolism; BP:0008152,metabolism; BP:0040007,growth; BP:0006915,apoptosis;         ---         ---
HPI003727 AP2 alpha p53         --- BF:0016563,transcriptional activity;         ---
HPI004361 ASPP p53 BP:0006915,apoptosis;         ---         ---
HPI004572 ATM p53         ---         ---         ---
HPI005436 Adv-AFP-E1A dB p53         ---         ---         ---
HPI005646 AhR p53         ---         ---         ---
HPI005767 Akt p53 BP:0006915,apoptosis;         ---         ---
HPI007281 Apaf-1 p53         ---         ---         ---
HPI007390 Apo2L/TRAIL p53 BP:0006915,apoptosis; BP:0070265,necrosis;         ---         ---
HPI007670 Apoptin p53 BP:0006915,apoptosis;         ---         ---
HPI007946 Aurora-A p53 BP:0008219,cell death; BP:0031099,regeneration; BP:0070265,necrosis;         ---         ---
HPI008261 BAK p53 BP:0006915,apoptosis;         --- SCL:0000014,mitochondria;
HPI008635 BLM p53 BP:0006915,apoptosis;         ---         ---
HPI008636 BLNK p53 BP:0000910,cytokinesis;         ---         ---
HPI008850 BR931 p53 BP:0008219,cell death;         --- SCL:0000014,mitochondria;
HPI009013 BaP p53         ---         ---         ---
HPI009101 Bax p53 BP:0006915,apoptosis;         ---         ---
HPI009215 Bcl-2 family of proteins p53         ---         ---         ---
HPI009237 Bcl-2 p53         ---         ---         ---
HPI009294 Bcl2 P53         ---         ---         ---
HPI009462 Bid p53         ---         ---         ---

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