PPIs related to "p53"

ID Protein A Protein B Process Function Location
HPI027548 GDF-15 p53         ---         ---         ---
HPI028214 GLI2 P53         ---         ---         ---
HPI028241 GLS2 p53 BP:0008219,cell death;         --- SCL:0000002,intracellular;
HPI028417 GM130 p53         ---         --- SCL:0000012,Golgi;
HPI029008 GSK-3 p53 BP:0016246,RNA interference;         ---         ---
HPI029054 GSN p53 BP:0006915,apoptosis; BF:0016563,transcriptional activity; SCL:0000006,cytoplasm;
HPI029268 GST-P p53         ---         ---         ---
HPI029772 Gankyrin p53         ---         ---         ---
HPI029834 Gelsolin p53         ---         ---         ---
HPI029886 Ginsenoside-Rs4 p53 BP:0006915,apoptosis;         ---         ---
HPI030293 Growth differentiation factor-15 p53 BP:0040007,growth; BP:0070265,necrosis;         ---         ---
HPI030606 H2O2 P53         ---         ---         ---
HPI031027 HBV protein HBx p53 BP:0006281,DNA repair;         ---         ---
HPI031091 HBX p53 BP:0006915,apoptosis; BP:0010467,gene expression; BF:0003774,motor activity;         ---
HPI031769 HBx proteins p53         ---         ---         ---
HPI031734 HBx p53 BP:0031497,chromatin assembly; BP:0006915,apoptosis; BP:0051301,cell division; BP:0051235,sequestering; BP:0051726,tumor suppression; BP:0016446,mutation; BP:0006281,DNA repair; BP:0032502,development; BP:0007165,signal transduction; BF:0002039,p53 binding; SCL:0000785,chromatin; SCL:0000006,cytoplasm;
HPI031764 HBx protein p53 BP:0006915,apoptosis; BF:0002039,p53 binding;         ---
HPI031813 HBxAg p53 BP:0040007,growth; BP:0032502,development;         ---         ---
HPI031910 HCCR-2 represents p53 BP:0032502,development;         ---         ---
HPI031964 HCT116 p53         ---         ---         ---
HPI032023 HCV NS5A p53 BP:0006915,apoptosis;         --- SCL:0000006,cytoplasm;
HPI032039 HCV NS5A protein p53         ---         --- SCL:0000008,nucleus;
HPI032141 HCV core protein p53 BP:0016049,cellular growth; BP:0040007,growth;         --- SCL:0000008,cell nucleus;
HPI033190 HGFK1 p53         ---         ---         ---
HPI033245 HIC1 p53 BP:0032502,development;         ---         ---

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